January 27, 2014

Dear our Customers and team supporters,

I have been engaged in the management of Ritmo Sereno as its representative for 13 years since its foundation.Now I am going to launch a new brand with the new workshop at the southern foot of Mt. Yatsugatake where I'm moving, and Masatsugu Takashima, our current chief mechanic, will take over my role in Tokyo.Moreover,Hitoyasu Izutsu,Champion of the All Japan road race championship 2002, 2004 and winner of Suzuka 8-hour Endurance Road Race 2004, has already joined us as an executive since last spring, and we have been operating our business with more productive works than ever.
I will take part in Ritmo Sereno as an executive and advisor and I would like to thank all the customers and each business contractor for the cooperation and for giving me the opportunities to study various things.I also would like to ask everyone for long and continued support for our team, Ritmo Sereno.I will be in the office full-time until the end of February, and the new workshop at Mt. Yatsugatake is planned to open in early April.As for the works and orders which I have already accepted, I will deal with them until completion with a responsibility.
Max Fritz Nishi-Tokyo located within the shop will be closed in the latter half of February due to the expansion of Ritmo Sereno. I also would like to thank you all for the support for Max Fritz Nishi-Tokyo until now.
I apologize for my announcement here in this website, but please allow me to inform you of the above and I would like to express my gratitude to everyone.
Shiroh Nakajima

January 25, 2014


私中嶋志朗は、約13年間、創業からリトモ・セレーノ代表として運営に携わってきましたが、この度八ヶ岳南麓に工房を構え、新たなブランドを立ち上げる運びとなりました。後任には、現チーフメカニックの高島正次が就任します。また、昨春より新取締役にロードレースライダーの井筒 仁康を迎えて、これまで以上に充実した業務内容で営業いたします。






January 15, 2014



勤務地 リトモセレーノ店舗(西東京市)
業務内容 一般事務(来客対応含む)
勤務時間 9:30~19:00(休憩1.5時間) ※勤務時間相談可
定休日 毎週月曜及び第一第三火曜日 
休暇 上記定休日及び有給休暇 夏季及び年末年始休暇
給与 当社規定による給与(20万円〜) 賞与 昇給有り
保険 社会保険 雇用保険 労災
その他 バイク通勤可 

応募方法 042-451-9951 担当・高島まで電話連絡の後、面接いたします。